

Sigma Cameraで撮影印刷されたパンフレットに出会い驚愕感動しました。

それ以来、年金生活を切り詰めてSigma DP2Xを入手して、散歩の友として楽しんでおりました。

この機種でも素人には十分でしたが、煩悩に抗しがたくSigma DP2 Merrill


さらにSigma DP3 Merrillを加えました。ZoomやSnapに活用いたします。


I’m an old Japanese man.
My nickname is “MASA”.

I was surprised and moved when I saw the pamphlet that was photographed and printed using Sigma Camera.

Since then, I have cut back on my pension life and acquired a Sigma DP2X, and have been enjoying it as a walking companion.

Although this model was sufficient for an amateur, I was fascinated by the Sigma DP2 Merrill and purchased it.
I also added Sigma DP3 Merrill.

My photography skills are beginners.
Occasionally, you will be able to capture some impressive work.
I want to continue enjoying it until the end of my life.